From the Congo Free State to Zaïre (1885-1974) - Towards a Demystification of Economic and Political History (translation of De l'Etat indépendant du Congo au Zaïre contemporain 1885-1974 - Pour une démystification de l'histoire économique et politique - 1992)

From the Congo Free State to Zaïre (1885-1974) - Towards a Demystification of Economic and Political History (translation of De l'Etat indépendant du Congo au Zaïre contemporain 1885-1974 - Pour une démystification de l'histoire économique et politique - 1992)
Paperback, in-8, 235 pp., no illustrations, bibliographical notes, bibliography, index. Rare !
Jacques Depelchin (born 06/03/1942) is a Congolese historian and militant. He is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Ota Benga International Alliance for Peace in the DR Congo.
DEPELCHIN Jacques@ wikipedia
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