Brevarium Romanum Ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilij Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pontificis Max. jussu editum, et Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Urbani PP. VIII. auctoritate recognitum. In quo omnia suis locis ad longum posita sunt, pro majori recitantium commoditate. PARS HIEMALIS
Original leather covers, 22x15cm, two simple original bronze locks intact, engraved frontispiece (angel above Saint Peter in Rome, bringing the tiara and two keys, symbol of the divine power of the Pope), two coloured title page, fully printed in red and black, [approx. 100] + 544 + ccvj + 102 pp. Red engraved vignets closing the chapters. No full page engravings present.
BREVARIUM ROMANUM (Pars Hiemalis)@ wikipedia
€ 200.0