kernreactor voor onderzoek in Lovanium

kernreactor voor onderzoek in Lovanium
1959 L'université Lovanium est dotée dun réacteur atomique de recherche de type TRIGA, premier en Afrique


Kinshasa Reactor

In May 1997, Chris McGreal reported for South Africa's Mail & Guardian that "Kinshasa's reactor is an indirect spin-off of the Americans Second World War atomic bomb project. The uranium for the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was mined in what was then the Belgian Congo. After the war, the US rewarded Belgium with its own nuclear centre. In 1958, when Brussels thought it would hold onto its colony for many years, Belgium built the Kinshasa reactor, the first in Africa. Two years later, Zaire won its independence. The reactor - updated with a new model in the mid-1970's - is principally used for medical and genetic research. The latest experiments include bombarding corn with neutrons. The International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna makes yearly inspections and helps meet the running costs. But it can only offer suggestions and has no authority to shut the reactor down."


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