Elizabeth Warren (D) gaat met voorstel van rijkentaks naar de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen van 2020

Elizabeth Warren (D) gaat met voorstel van rijkentaks naar de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen van 2020
In 2014 publiceerde zij A fighting chance.
In 2017 volgde dan This Fight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America's Middle Class. Daarmee maakt ze haar doelgroep bekend: de lijdende middenklasse die zelfs met twee inkomens niet meer rond komt.

Warren zit al jaren in het harde anti-Trump-kamp en zij kent hem als geen ander.
Enkele dagen geleden zei ze in Iowa: "By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be President," "In fact, he may not even be a free person." Ze wil echter wachten op de resultaten van het onderzoek van Robert Mueller naar de Rusland-connectie in de campagne van Trump.

Warren (°1949) is niet van plan te gaan reageren op elke aanval en elke tweet van Trump.
Dat zou inderdaad een fout zijn want dan wordt het ZIJN campagne en niet de hare.

Thomas Piketty wijst in 'Le Monde' (9/2) uitdrukkelijk op de stellingen van Warren en valt daarmee de neo-liberale politiek van Macron aan.

Van de website van Warren (www.elizabethwarren.com):
After decades of largely flat wages and exploding household costs, millions of families can barely breathe. For generations, people of color have been shut out of their chance to build wealth. It’s time for big, structural changes to put economic power back in the hands of the American people.

That means putting power back in the hands of workers and unions. It also means transforming large American companies by letting their workers elect at least 40% of the company’s board members to give them a powerful voice in decisions about wages and outsourcing. And it means a new era of strong antitrust enforcement so giant corporations can’t stifle competition, depress wages, and drive up the cost of everything from beef to Internet access.

As the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, we can make investments that create economic opportunity, address rural neglect, and a legacy of racial discrimination–if we stop handing out giant tax giveaways to rich people and giant corporations and start asking the people who have gained the most from our country to pay their fair share.

That includes an Ultra-Millionaire Tax on America’s 75,000 richest families to produce trillions that can be used to build an economy that works for everyone, including universal childcare, student loan debt relief, and down payments on a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. And we can make a historic investment in housing that would bring down rents by 10% across America and create 1.5 million new jobs.
nws@ wikipedia