Alarmerende resultaten van recent onderzoek: 13 procent van de arabische jongeren arabieren in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika steunen ISIS/DAESH

Statista / ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller
Alarmerende resultaten van recent onderzoek: 13 procent van de arabische jongeren arabieren in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika steunen ISIS/DAESH
Why Young Arabs Are Joining The Islamic State

A recent poll spanning 16 nations across the Middle East and North Africa has found that most young Arabs are against the so-called Islamic State and believe it will ultimately fail to establish a caliphate. The 2016 Arab Youth Survey revealed that 77 percent of Arabs aged 18 to 24 are concerned about the terror group’s rise with 50 percent considering it the biggest obstacle facing the Middle East. Only 13 percent of young Arabs feel they could support the group, even if it was less violent.
Commentaar LT: De interpretatie van Statista is discutabel. Statista spreekt van "only 13 percent". Wij vinden dit een alarmerend percentage! In absolute cijfers: 26 miljoen jongeren steunen ISIS/DAESH !

The poll also examined the primary reasons people are joining the terror group with a major lack of jobs in the region proving a driving factor. Across the countries polled, employment and few opportunities for young people proved a bigger draw than religious extremism or the presence of Western troops in the region.

Infographic: Why Young Arabs Are Joining The Islamic State | Statista

ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller behoort tot de WPP-groep van Sir Martin Sorrell
Statista / ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller@ wikipedia