1654-1656: opmetingen grond in Ierland

1654-1656: opmetingen grond in Ierland
The civil survey. A.D. 1654-1656.Prepared for publication with Introductory note by Robert C. Simington of the Quit rent office, Dublin. Dublin: 1931 Library has vols. 1-10.

The survey was begun in 1654 to facilitate allotting of Irish land by English
Parliaments to officers, soldiers, creditors,etc. of the Commonwealth. Survey of each barony includes description of its meares and bounds, and the nature of its soil; its contents according to the old land measure; the parishes, manors, and castles in the barony; and parish boundaries. Tables (with descriptions relating to tenures or titles under which each denomination was held) show lands comprising the parish, owners, estimated area, what was profitable and unprofitable, and the respective valuations. Land descriptions also include an account of amenities.

http://library.samford.edu/about/sc/bibpages/nos61-72.pdf#search=%22bateman%20acre-ocracy%22 (20060823)
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